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Cosmic Sky

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Cave Explorer
Navigating in Woods

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The Universal Laws we Follow:

Universal Love

Universal Love is a love for all of humanity, even those we do not know. A universal love is the highest frequency of love we can harbor. We understand that we are only human and without love one cannot survive let alone thrive on this Earth. WE OFFER UNCONDITIONAL LOVE TO ALL and we hold hope and light for those who do understand our way of Universal Love! There is no hatred here!



Universal Healing is the healing of our entire humanity, those that are meant to move onto the next phase of this world. We believe that each and every person can learn to heal themselves physically, mentally and emotionally. We must learn to heal ourselves and help each other for the shift into the New World. WE BELIEVE IN THE POWER OF HEALING and know if we can help others unlock and access this healing we will change the world!


Universal Power is the ultimate gift we were each given when we signed up for this life we currently are living. We each hold mystical and Universal Powers gifted to us from our Starseed lineage, past lives, ancestors and the Great God and Goddesses. Universal Love and Healing believes that we all have faith and believe in the Ultimate power of Energy and the divine, but we also know WE HOLD THIS SAME GOD AND GODDESS FREQUENCY AND POWER!

Universal Connection

We know and believe everything in this life and every life we have ever had is all connected. The Universe does nothing by coincident and the connection to the Universe, to our source of all power, life and energy is the Ultimate secret to life! Once you have built your Universal Connection you will be divinely connected to all your own sources of power, light and love! UNIVERSAL CONNECTION WILL CONNECT YOU WITH THE UNIVERSE, YOUR SOUL FAMILY AND MOST IMPORTANTLY YOURSELF!

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